Some people don't believe in horoscopes. In the scientific community, we have a name for those people: Capricorns. How they could ignore such an overwhelming amount of consistent and rigorous anecdotal evidence is a mystery. Equally mysterious is the life of those born under Sagittarius -- without a doubt, the most untrustworthy and dark-hearted monsters on the face of the planet. If you're a Sagittarius, then you've done some things you regret, and you're often harsher with yourself than others are with you. You enjoy the presence of close friends but frequently feel alone in crowds. You are devoted to self-discovery and intellectual exploration. You feel that your actions have consequences. Some things seem to come easier to you than to others. You like chocolate and don't go to bed early as often as you think you should. You usually breathe air and poop in the toilet. Yes, the life of a Sagittarius is hard, but with some consideration, you will reach the point where you can overcome the burden of guilt you carry and go on to lead a happy and productive life.