
Sunday, July 3, 2011

How to Drink Water with Ice In It

Special thanks to his majesty, Prince William of England, for guest writing this post.

When Isaac asked me to write this post, you can imagine that I was chagrined. How could the peasantry of the world not know, from our repeated example, how to drink water with ice in it? "Surely," I said, "You must be joking." Of course, he was joking, but by the time he told me that I had already dictated these directions in their entirety to my personal scribe, and you know how I hate for anything to go to waste. Willful waste makes woeful want. That's the saying. Anyhow, as it is that I've provided these directions already, and Isaac assures me that they will be useful to somebody -- but who? oh, please, who? -- here they are beneath, and I hope this will not be all too educational. After all, one must hold the hope that there are some manners left in our world, civilized as it is.